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5° O, WIND…

Installation variable dimension, ballpoint pencil on paper, acrylic canvases, serigraphy, tapestry, bronze and gilded bronze with leaf.


The metaphorical image that I propose is a museum room devoted to boats that sink in silence.
The museum room itself is also sinking.
Right in the middle is installed a golden bronze lifebuoy, it will save no one from the drowning.

As is often the case in my work, I show a curious and almost amusing image to tackle slightly more serious problems of current events. Through the window visitors will discover the projected image of a sea with an “horizontal horizon”.

From an interview :
– In 1602, it was by conducting an experiment with a ball on an inclined plane that Galileo established the laws of gravity. Still used today, these laws are at the origin of modern physics, what can be deduced from your installation?
– Too early to establish specific laws, experimentation is underway. It is a fall, but we cannot yet say who or what is concerned, maybe everyone and everything.
– In the middle of the installation a gilded bronze lifebuoy, is this the central element?
– When we talk about rising sea level, a buoy is more useful than a parachute.
– Even in bronze?
– Its high price excludes mass production, only wealthy individuals will be able to acquire.
– You speak of rising waters, logic suggests that on board of a boat we are safe, but the selected works show us ships sinking or burning, why?
– Yes
– …Otherwise there is no hope ?
– You are very pessimistic
O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?


Gilles T. Lacombe